Christmas Shows
We are very happy to announce that this year , the first since Covid times, we are in the position to have Christmas plays and that we can invite you all to share the joy with us. The children and staff are very busy rehearsing at the moment and are very excited at the prospect of a performance to a live audience. The timetable for the shows is as follows:
December 14th Junior Infants at 10am in the church
December 14th 2nd Class at 1 pm in the church
December 15th Senior Infants at 10 am in the church
December 15th 1st Class at 1 pm in the church
December 19th Ms. O'Doherty's class in the school hall at 1pm
December 20th Early Start class in the school hall at 10:30
We will be selling raffle tickets at the shows so we would ask you to bring cash with you. Tickets will cost €2 per strip or 3 for €5.
I would also like to invite all parents and guardians back to the school for refreshments and mince pies after the show. You may take your child home after the show if you like however, please do not take a child home from the church, please wait until they have returned to the school. Come and have a cuppa with us first while we get your child ready to go home.
We are so looking forward to this event.